Call 020 3897 0793 or 07720 847197 for a FREE Consultation
Fast & Effective Bed Bug Extermination
Discreet Service
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Domestic & Commercial

Bed Bugs Treatment Petts Wood BR5, Bromley

BW Pest Control provide domestic and commercial pest control in Petts Wood BR5 and neighbouring BR5 postcodes. We provide a number of services leading to the eradication and prevention of a variety of pests including bed bugs.

Discovering you have bed bugs may come as a shock to many people but they are more common than you might think. They can spread very easily by attaching themselves and will multiply if left untreated.

There is no need to be concerned though as there are very effective bed bugs treatments available, all of which BW Pest Control can offer to both domestic and commercial customers in Petts Wood.

How to spot you have bed bugs?

  • Blood on bedding: When bed bugs are squashed this can result in tiny spots of blood stains being found on pillow cases and bed linen.
  • Smell: When bed bugs are present you can expect to find an unpleasant, musty smell in the room.
  • Bites: Exposed human skin I bed can result in bites from bed bugs

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny wingless, flat & oval creatures approx. 1-5mms in length, and a brownish colour. They have 6 legs. They are nocturnal by nature and feast on human blood. They produce up to 200 eggs at a time which are yellowish/white/translucent colour. They will hatch within a few weeks and feed almost immediately.
Bed bugs live for around 4 years and can be found in bedding, furniture, cracks in woodwork, folds in curtains and much more.

Are bed bugs a health risk?

The short answer is No. Bed bugs are not a significant health risk, however they are a nuisance pest which can spread rapidly and they bite humans in order to feed on your blood. This can be unpleasant for those bitten and lead to feeling very itchy and wanting to constantly scratch yourself.

How to treat Bed Bugs

Although very small cases of bed bugs can be treated using over the counter sprays, in most cases to fully eradicate bed bugs you will require the services of a professional Beg Bug pest controller such as BW Pest Control. We have a number of industrial grade treatments which we use such as high strength bed bug spray and steamers that reach the high temperatures needed to kill them off.

Find Us on CheckATrade

Why just take out word for it, hear what our bed bug customers in Petts Wood have to say! BW Pest Control are proud members of check a trade and we invite all of our customers to leave honest reviews of their experience with us. Check out our reviews here from customers who have used our pest control services in Petts Wood.

Get rid of those bed bugs in Petts Wood today

If you would like some expert advise or a quote to have your bed bugs in Petts Wood treated, please contact us today on 07720 847197

Qualified Bed Bug Technicians in Petts Wood BR5

Our local, fully qualified technicians are on hand to provide a fast and effective Bed Bug erradication service to customers in and around Bromley areas. So, why not contact us today for a no obligation consultation and quote.

Our Bed Bug Steam Treatment

Our powerful steamer reaches temperatures of over 180° this will kill bed bugs immediately on contact with out the need of any chemicals. The System reaches the impossible places where spraying alone can’t and destroys 100% of bed bugs and eggs. Rapid action in just a few seconds, these super heated dry steamers reach up to 180 degrees C without use of insecticides.

Bed bugs can be a very challenging and difficult to exterminate thats why we use some of the best methods available.

I can honestly say I've not seen many people in the UK using this machine as we imported it from the USA around 3 years ago and it’s a great bit of kit - fast, efficient and a cost effective!

Our Bed Bug Wet Sprayers

We only use the best wet sprayers availabe on today’s market. Our bed bug chemical sprays are pressure regulated so we evenly spread the perfect amount of chemical for your home or commercial premises.

Bed Bug Treatment and Advice

Although bed bugs are not known too carry or spread disease We understand this can be very stressful so we do all we can to help!

BW Pest Control can dismantle beds and item of furniture ready for treatment.

We regularly change our chemicals because bed bugs can become very adaptable, and we can also leave monitoring stations so we can be completely sure we completely cleared the problem.

We offer free help and advice on what you can do to help us get your bed bug problem under control as quick as possible and will leave you with an information leaflet explaining what you should do next.

Contact us to get your bed bugs infestation in Petts Wood resolved today!


"Bed Bugs are easily spread through contact and can be carried on clothing"


"Bed Bugs can survive a standard wash in the washing machine and it needs to be above 60c to kill them"

Bugs & Insects Gallery

Rodents - Rats, Mice, Squirrels etc

Effective removal, control and prevention on your rodent problem.

Bed Bugs and Insects

Treatment for infestations of Cockroaches, fleas, ants, bed-bugs etc. We can remove all creepy-crawleys.

Wasp Nests

Is your home or workplace infested with wasps? We offer hassle free destruction of wasp nests.

Call 020 3897 0793 or 07720 847197 for a FREE Consultation
or alternatively email us using the form below:

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